В тази статия Йоана Иванова - основател на Jolly's Class и учител по английски език, споделя 30 фразеологични глагола, които всеки трябва да знае, за да проведе спокойно успешен бизнес разговор.
Фразеологичните глаголи в английския език са много и фактът, че само един предлог изменя коренно значението на думата, обезсърчава много хората в стремежа им да ги научат. Затова - "Учете думи и фрази в ситуации и контекст." Това спомага да не се чувствате "претрупани", да осъзнаете, че всъщност те са нормални непознати думи, които с нужните упражнения и отделени по теми - бизнес среща, почивка, на ексурзия, в училище и тн, се запомнят много по-бързо и лесно!
Днес ще научим 30 фразеологични глагола (phrasal verbs), разделени в два контекста - свободен разговор - "small talk" и бизнес среща.
Phrasal verbs for small talk
Нека си представим, че с колеги обсъждаме работата на по кафе. Ето 15 глагола, които можем да използваме:
I was called in (= asked to do something) by my boss. - Бях извикан да свърша нещо от шефа.
I need to catch up (=do something that should be done) with my emails. - Имам да наваксвам с имейлите.
We are putting in (give, devote) hours and hours. - Вложил/ Посветил съм часове труд.
They won’t give up (=abandon) their demands. - Няма да се откажат от изискванията си.
We shouldn’t give in (=surrender). - Не трябва да се предаваме.
Do you think they picked up (=receive) the message? - Мислиш ли, че са получили съобщението?
I will need to get back to you (=reply, to communicate with someone at a later time or date) on that. - Трябва да се върнем обратно на темата.
Can we work something out (=agree) here? - Можем ли да измислим нещо? - в смисъла на да достигнем съгласие, консенсус
I agreed to step in (=take their place). - Съгласих се да поема длъжността.
You need to run this by (=tell) the client. - Трябва да кажеш на клиента.
Who set this up (=arranged)? - Кой го организира?
My colleague said they would put in a good word (=say something positive) for me. - Колегата ми обеща да каже добра дума за мен.
That team always stick up for (=support) each other. - Този екип винаги се подкрепя (застъпва един за друг).
I don’t know who to turn to (=get help from). - Не знам към кого да се обърна.
You can always count on (=depend on) me. - Винаги можеш да разчиташ на мен.
Phrasal verbs for formal business meetings
(Advanced English)
Сега нека си представим, че сме повикани да прсисъстваме на среща - лична или в конферентен разовор....
(Imagine you have been asked to attend a meeting either in person or via a conference call…)
The date and time is set and they put it (= schedule it) in your diary. Occasionally, they need to bring forward (=make it earlier) the time of the meeting to suit everyone.
They then get a call from a colleague to say that something has come up (=happened) and they decide the meeting has to be put back (=postponed) to another day. No problem. In a way you’re quite relieved because you have a mountain of things to do and you were worried that you might have had to call off (=cancel) the meeting anyway.
During the meeting, there are a number of issues you need to raise and deal with (=manage). You may have outlined the items in an agenda that you’ve circulated to everyone beforehand. With some issues, you may have to weigh up (=think carefully about) the advantages and disadvantages before taking action. This could take a while and you might encourage your colleagues to join in (=participate) the discussion.
Sometimes they need to look into (=to investigate/research) a matter before taking a final decision. If that’s the case, they might note down (=write) all the points raised during the meeting to help themselves.
Some people don’t like to be interrupted when they’re talking, while others don’t mind if someone steps in (=interrupt) with their point of view. I have had times when I’ve had to cut in (=interrupt) especially when I thought that a colleague was going on (=continuing without stopping) about something truly unimportant.
There is always someone in a meeting who just keeps rabbiting on (=talking too much about something that’s uninteresting) about some subject that no one else is interested in. So, I often tell my colleagues that we need to press on (=continue) with the other items in the agenda. After all, there’s nothing worse than having a meeting that drags on (=continues for far too long), is there?!
Вкарвайки фразеологичните глаголи в контекст е по-лесно да се запомнят значенията и употребите им! Дано се статията да Ви е била полезна!